Ministry of Defense authorized Tavria combat module for operation
The Ministry has codified and authorized the Tavria combat module.
The Ukrainian Defense Ministry stated in a press release that the module could be installed on armored vehicles or ground drones.
This remote-controlled turret is equipped with a 14.5 mm KPVT heavy machine gun.
The turret uses a control system to capture and track targets.
It is also capable of precision fire on moving objects.

The Tavria is equipped with an optoelectronic module located to the left of the machine gun, which allows it to detect targets at a distance of more than 5 kilometers both during the day and at night.
The developer of the turret has provided a STANAG 1 armor protection for the optoelectronic module housing and the weapon control system units.
When mounted on armored vehicles, the combat module control panel and operator monitor are located inside the armored combat vehicle.
This provides additional protection for the soldier-operator of the module in combat, who will not need to move behind the armored vehicle.
In March, Ukrainian Armor tested the Novator armored vehicle with the Tavria combat module.

“The use of the high-speed maneuverable armored vehicles equipped with the remotely controlled combat modules not only provides additional opportunities to fight at a distance, but also saves the lives of the military,” the company said.
The Ukrainian armored vehicle Kozak-5 also received a combat module from the Spanish company Escribano Mechanical & Engineering, which has daytime and infrared cameras.
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