128th Mountain Assault Brigade has destroyed the observation post of the national guard of russia from Dagestan
The defense forces have destroyed the observation post of the russian national guard from Dagestan and seized the documents of one of the invaders.
Militarnyi informs about it.
During the battle with the russian aggresor forces, the servicemen of the 128th Mountain Assault Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine have liquidated the observation post of the national guard of russia by destroying its equipment.
The russian national guards had set up their observation post inside a forestry.

Resulting from a battle that lasted for several minutes, a Ural military truck with an armored cabin and two soldiers of the russian national guard have been destroyed. The car has burnt down.
It is reported that the rest of the soldiers of the russian national guard had fled after the successful actions of Ukrainian defenders.

Documents of one of the russian national guard servicemen have been found at the observation post: a military ID card, a weapons accounting card, a personal badge of the russian national guard member, a radioactive dose encounting record card, various soldier’s memos, Sberbank credit cards, etc.
Personal data of the soldier of the Russian National Guard:
Madanov Vladik Inyazudinovich, born on June 2nd, 1995.
The military ID was issued by the military enlistment office of Derbent Dagestan Ohni city of the Republic of Dagestan.

Earlier, soldiers of the Ukrainian Mountain Assault Brigade have defeated a russian national guard unit from Chechnya.

The Mountain Assault Brigade had a battle with the 46th Separate Special Operations Brigade (military unit 6780), which is based in Chechnya.
As a result of the encounter, the soldiers of the russian national guard that were serving in the 94th Regiment of the brigade stationed in the city of Gudermes, and the 96th Regiment, stationed in the city of Urus-Martan in the Chechen Republic, had been killed.

Personal IDs and documents were confiscated from the killed russians. Trophy weapons and equipment were also seized.
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