Kholodnyi Yar soldiers start using ground drones to install barbed wire in Donbas
The soldiers of the 93rd Kholodnyi Yar Mechanized Brigade have started using ground drones to install barbed wire in Donbas.
The brigade’s press service published a video on this.
Using such spiral barriers slows down the advance of the invaders on the front line, where the Kholodnyi Yar soldiers are holding the defense.
“It is needed to hold back equipment and infantry. It will be harder for the enemy to cross the field with the concertina. They can get confused in it,” one of the operators of a ground drone with the call sign Barik shared.

A special structure was attached to the ground drones to transport them to the required frontline area and install barbed wire there. It ensures that the wire is properly installed while moving.
Спіральні інженерні загородження типу «єгоза» на Донеччині бійці 93-ї бригади “Холодний Яр” тягнуть за допомогою наземних дронів. Це потрібно для стримування техніки, стримування піхоти.
Військові переконані, що майбутнє війни – за наземними системами. pic.twitter.com/BzZnQhcHzv— 93-тя бригада Холодний Яр (@93OMBr1) March 13, 2025
The tension of the wire is monitored from the air using a Mavic UAV. This allows them to adjust the direction of movement of the above-ground platform in time and see whether the entire area has been covered or if they need to add more “zigzags.”
The Ukrainian military is convinced that the future of warfare lies with ground-based robotic systems. They greatly facilitate work on the front line and help protect the lives and health of personnel.
“It’s easier on the hands, easier on the feet, easier on everything. It’s better to lose a robot than a human life,” the soldiers note.
Recently, the Ukrainian Defense Forces have been actively using ground-based robotic systems to perform various tasks on the front line.
In October last year, the KOLO charitable foundation handed over eight Vepryk ground drones to the 93rd Brigade.

The tracked drone can evacuate the wounded or deliver more than 400 kg of cargo to hard-to-reach positions.
The platform can do all this autonomously for up to four hours in different weather conditions, day and night. For this purpose, it is equipped with a camera with infrared illumination and night vision mode.
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