Lithuania to repair 12 PzH 2000 howitzers for Ukraine

Lithuania to repair 12 PzH 2000 howitzers for Ukraine

ACS Artillery Baltic States Europe Lithuania Military assistance PzH 2000 Repair and maintenance of military equipment Ukraine War with Russia World

Lithuania continues to provide uninterrupted military support to Ukraine to fight the Russian occupiers.

The Lithuanian Ministry of Defense said that at least 12 Panzerhaubitze 2000 self-propelled howitzers are currently planned to be repaired in Lithuania for Ukraine.

Four repaired Ukrainian PzH 2000 self-propelled guns have already returned to Ukraine, two more have been brought to Lithuania for repair.

It is noted that two such self-propelled howitzers were transferred this week.

“Thus, the Ministry of Defense of Lithuania performs a particularly important and necessary mission for Ukraine – increases the ability of heavy artillery of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to quickly restore its combat capability,” the statement said.

Lithuanian Defense Minister Arvydas Anušauskas announced the transfer to Ukraine of the first two repaired self-propelled artillery installations Panzerhaubitze 2000 on October 14.

He noted that German-made 155mm self-propelled guns are already returning to the battlefield in Ukraine. The minister also published a photo of the transportation of one howitzer by road.

The German-made PzH 2000 self-propelled long-range artillery is actively used by the Ukrainian military in the war against the Russian occupation forces.

Українські САУ PZH 2000 відправли в Литву на ремонт, 16 вересня 2022 Фото: МО Литви

The fact that Lithuania undertook to repair the PzH 2000 Ukrainian forces became known in mid-September. It is likely that self-propelled units are undergoing repairs at the Lithuania Defense Services (LDS) enterprise. Due to the intensity of artillery fire, Ukrainian howitzers need constant quality maintenance.

САУ «Panzerhaubitze 2000» (PzH 2000) військових України. Літо 2022. Україна. Фото: Радіо Свобода

The Armed Forces of Ukraine are known to have received from Germany 14 PzH 2000 self-propelled artillery systems. Another 8 such 155mm artillery systems were transferred from the Netherlands.

Panzerhaubitze 2000 is a German self-propelled artillery installation with an automatic charging system and a high level of automation of all systems.

Боєприпаси 155-мм до німецької САУ “PzH 2000” українських військових. Липень 2022. Україна. Кадр з відео “Radio Liberty”

For shooting, these self-propelled guns use separate loading artillery rounds standard in the armies of NATO countries. Rheinmetall designed the 155mm 52-calibre JBMOU compliant rifled gun. The ammunition package consists of 60 rounds and 228 modular propellant charges. The range of firing with standard ammunition reaches 30 km.

ACS Artillery Baltic States Europe Lithuania Military assistance PzH 2000 Repair and maintenance of military equipment Ukraine War with Russia World