Magyar Birds Unit Receives Fiber Optic Drone Detectors
The Birds of Magyar Brigade has received detectors capable of detecting fiber optics-guided drones.
This was announced by the unit’s commander, Robert Brovdi, also known by his call sign “Magyar”.
A mobile radar station, developed for the Defense Forces, detects drones from several kilometers away.
“The first options for their detection and destruction are available and are already being used in the brigade,” said Magyar.
In the video released, a Ukrainian drone managed to detect and intercept a Russian fiber optics-guided drones.
“The army must quickly and massively equip mobile versions of radar every 2-4 km of the front line and conventional FPV fighters to destroy enemy FPVs on fiber optics intercepted by mobile radar,” Robert Brovdi added.
Presumably, the detector was able to detect a drone called “Vandal” (or “Prince Vandal of Novgorod”) in Russia. Ukrainian forces have captured similar drones before.
Vandal FPV drones are characterized by excellent image quality, signal stability, and signal retention until the target is hit.
At the same time, they are limited by the length of the fiber optic coil and have certain maneuverability and route restrictions.

The cable reel also adds weight to the drone. For example, it is known that a cable reel on Chinese FPV drones with a length of 5 kilometers weighs 1.1 kg, while a 10-kilometer reel will add 2.3 kg to the drone.
However, the main advantage of fiber-optic drones is that they are not affected by electronic warfare systems.

In addition, it cannot be detected by a UAV detector due to the absence of radio control signals and video transmission. The operator also receives an almost perfect picture on his monitor from the drone’s camera.
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