New Commander Announces Large-Scale Transformation of Ground Forces of Ukraine
The Commander of the Ground Forces, Major General Mykhailo Drapatyi, who was recently appointed to this position, announced the start of a large-scale transformation of this branch of the Armed Forces.
Drapatyi wrote about this in a Telegram page.
The changes will affect recruitment and military training, management, logistics, and social support for the military.
The Major General explained that the emphasis would be on the principles of military leadership and knowledge of technology.
And the noncommissioned officer corps with combat experience should become the main carrier of knowledge in training the Ukrainian military.

In the field of military training, thus, it is planned to reform training programs and centers, as well as to use the most modern simulators and other new technologies in training.
In addition, the Ground Forces will introduce a transparent recruitment model with “zero tolerance for corruption.” They also promise changes in approaches to social support for servicemen.
“They should feel constantly cared for: from the first day of service to employment in civilian life after discharge,” said the Ground Forces Commander.
The changes will also affect the field of technology: Ukrainian infantrymen, Drapatyi is convinced, must have a technological advantage over the enemy on the battlefield. He also emphasized the importance of technological advantages in the armament of the Ukrainian infantryman.

In addition, the Major General noted that it is planned to optimize management processes. “Agility and efficiency” are needed in the administrative apparatus, and organizational changes and digitalization will be the basis for this.
The logistics and military training will be the first areas to experience management changes. After all, they are crucial for the combat capability of the Ukrainian army.
As a reminder, Major General Mykhailo Drapatyi was appointed Commander of the Ground Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on November 29.
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