Russian ammunition depot explodes in occupied Snizhne

Russian ammunition depot explodes in occupied Snizhne

Donbas Occupants elimination Ukraine War with Russia

Multiple explosions caused a massive fire in the Russian-occupied city of Snizhne, Horlivka district, Donetsk Region.

This is reported on local social media and Telegram channels.

From a video posted by local residents it appears that a large ammunition warehouse of the invaders detonated in the enemy`s deep rear.

The explosions began on July 4th, at around 1:00 a.m., and later a heavy fire broke out.

According to eyewitnesses, explosions occurred in the area of the Snizhnianskhimmash plant.

The occupiers used that location to set up an ammunition depot for their troops.

Residents of the temporarily occupied city took photos and videos of the fire.

They heard powerful explosions caused by ammunition detonation and observed the large-scale fire.

On June 25, another Russian military equipment base was attacked in the same area.

The next day, the occupiers published photos of the missile fragments that hit the military facility.

Markings on the remnants indicate that the equipment base in Snizhne was struck with Tochka-U missiles. According to local reports there were two missile hits.

Donbas Occupants elimination Ukraine War with Russia