Second Ada-class corvette for the Ukrainian Navy will be laid down in 2023
Another Ada-class corvette for the Ukrainian Navy will be laid down in 2023, reports Militarnyi.
Rear Admiral Oleksiy Neizhpapa, the Commander of the Ukraine Navy summed up the main achievements of the Ukrainian Navy in 2021 in Odessa, reports ArmyInform.
“This year, the President of Ukraine completed and approved the strategy for the development of the Ukrainian Navy until 2036,” said the Commander. – It covers all priority areas of the Navy and builds capabilities in the long run. According to the program, the development of surface forces involves the construction of corvette-class ships.
According to the Commander of the Navy, today in Turkey the readiness of the first ship hull is 75-80%.

“In the first quarter of oncoming year, the corvette hull will be ready, and by the end of 2022 the ship with some equipment will be towed to Ukraine for completion,” said Oleksiy Neizhpapa.
During 2023, the corvette will be equipped with the necessary equipment, weapons and the state trials will begin.
The Rear Admiral also said that in 2023 a second ship of this class will be laid down.
ADA-class corvette
Construction of the Ukrainian corvette began in January 2021, steel was cut and hull sections formed. In September 2021, an Ada-type ship was laid down for the Ukrainian Navy in Turkey. By that time, 13 hull sections and a ship’s keel had already been formed.

The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine signed a contract for the construction of two corvettes with Turkish companies in December 2020. The Turkish company signed the memorandum with the Ukrainian «Ocean» plant from Mykolaiv, which was supposed to conduct installation of the armament in case the final agreement will be signed with it.
The Commander of the Ukrainian Navy said that the corvettes will carry:
– short-range air defense systems;
– modern combat control system;
– navigation assets;
– radar stations;
– sonar for search and detection of submarines;
– ECM system, etc.

“Thus, a corvette of this type will be able to implement air defense of a tactical group of ships,” said Rear Admiral Oleksiy Neizhpapa.
Corvettes will be able to adapt to all currently available types of anti-ship missiles, both foreign-made and national. The new corvette is to be commissioned with the Ukrainian Navy in 2024. According to existing plans, the Navy will have a tactical group of missile boats and the Ada-class corvette the same year.
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