SSU receives naval drone with new weapons
The first new-generation naval drone named after Avdiyivka was produced for the Security Service of Ukraine.
The SSU shared that the naval drone has received its own weapons, which it can use more than once.
“This is the next generation of these drones, it hits objects with its onboard weapons and helps cheaper drones complete the mission,” the SSU reported.
The Security Service of Ukraine is not disclosing what kind of weapons are installed on the new generation of naval drones.
The drone’s operators only noted that it would target not only maritime facilities.
The naval drone for the Security Service of Ukraine was constructed within the UNITED24 initiative.
The UNITED24 team, together with volunteers, financial institutions, and ordinary citizens, raised more than UAH 320 million in a day and a half to build 35 more naval drones.
Sea Baby naval drones are a development of the Security Service of Ukraine.
They can carry 850 kilograms of explosives, accelerate up to 90 km/h, and cover a distance of 1000 kilometers.

Previously, Vasyl Maliuk, Head of the SSU, called the Sea Baby drone a multi-purpose platform that is used effectively today.
In August 2023, Vasyl Malyuk informed about the development of a unique Sea Baby naval drone.

The production of these drones is located in Ukraine, but the factories are located underground.
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