Switchblade Long-Range Loitering Munition Destroys Russian Buk SAM

Switchblade Long-Range Loitering Munition Destroys Russian Buk SAM

Donbas Occupants elimination SAM UAV Ukraine War in Donbas War with Russia

The Ukrainian military used the Switchblade loitering munition, which destroyed a Buk launcher.

The Come Back Alive Foundation stated that the attack drone was used by the Special Operations Forces.

A Shark reconnaissance drone of the aerial reconnaissance forces was monitoring the Russian launcher and adjusting the actions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The Russian air defense system was transported by a tractor that stopped in the village of Sarabash (formerly Komunarivka) in the Donetsk region.

The Switchblade drone had to travel more than 30 kilometers from the front line to hit the launcher.

Presumably, the Switchblade600 loitering munition or a new improved version by the American company AeroVironment was used.

Місце ураження вогневої установки ЗРК Бук росіян на мапі Deep State

The drone can stay in the air for 40 minutes and travel 40 km during this time, as well as barrage in the air. The maximum flight speed is 185 km/h.

The Switchblade 600 has a powerful warhead, which allows it to destroy heavy armored vehicles, particularly tanks.

The drone is launched from a tubular launcher, which significantly reduces deployment time and allows it to be launched from any location.

The fire control system based on a touchscreen tablet can manually or autonomously control the loitering munition.

The Special Operations Forces also use Switchblade 300 loitering munition to engage Russian infantry.

Баражуючий боєприпас Switchblade 300

As previously reported, in 2022 the U.S. Department of Defense awarded a $17.8 million contract for the industry to produce and ship the Switchblade drones to Ukraine.

Donbas Occupants elimination SAM UAV Ukraine War in Donbas War with Russia