The Russian Federation deployed the S-300V system near Chonhar

The Russian Federation deployed the S-300V system near Chonhar

Air Defense Resistance movement Russian Armed Forces SAM Ukraine War with Russia

Russian troops deploy the S-300V air defense system near the Chonhar Bridge in Crimea.

The resistance movement ATESH reported on this.

The movement’s members discovered the position of a Russian S-300V system covering the strategically important Chonhar Bridge, which connects the peninsula with the mainland of Ukraine.

The photo captures the 9A85 launcher/loader vehicle in the process of reloading. It can be recognized by its characteristic winch for loading containers with missiles.

Пуско-заряджальна установка 9А85 комплексу С-300В.

Its exact location was geolocated (here) near the village of Medvedivka, Dzhankoi district.

The elements of the S-300V air defense system battery cannot be at a significant distance from each other, so there must almost certainly be a command post, a radar station and self-propelled launchers nearby.

Місце розташування російського комплексу С-300В в Криму, вересень 2024. Зображення: мапа Google Earth

S-300V SAM

The S-300V is a Soviet air and missile defense system. It is designed to defend groups of troops and the most important front and rear targets from massive attacks by ballistic and cruise missiles, strategic and tactical aircraft.

Despite its name, the system is actually completely different from other systems of the S-300 family. Structurally, it was divided into two parts, each of which was responsible for protection against aerodynamic or ballistic threats.

According to publicly available data, the system is capable of intercepting aerodynamic targets from a distance of 100 kilometers and at an altitude of up to 30,000 meters. At the same time, the anti-missile component is capable of intercepting a target at a distance of up to 30 kilometers and an altitude of 25,000 meters.

The basic unit of the S-300V is the division. It includes a 9C457 command post, one Obzor-3 and one Imbir radar, and up to four firing batteries.

The battery in a typical version includes a 9S32 missile guidance station, two 9A82 launchers and one 9A84 launcher/loader vehicle with two 9M82 air defense missiles. In addition, there are four 9A83 launchers and two 9A85 launchers with four 9M83 missiles.

Last week, the Ukrainian military struck a S-300V system with a combined strike.

Air Defense Resistance movement Russian Armed Forces SAM Ukraine War with Russia