Ukrainian marines defeated Russian marines in Krynky

Ukrainian marines defeated Russian marines in Krynky

Kherson Region Marines Occupants elimination Ukraine War with Russia

Ukrainian marines eliminated Russian marines who attempted to assault the town in Krynky, Kherson region.

The Ukrainian 36th Marine Brigade released the footage from the battlefield in Krynky.

The video captures Ukrainian marines examining the bodies of the Russian invaders who had made an unsuccessful assault on the brigade’s positions.

“A group of Russian soldiers will forever remain in the village of Krynky. They are the elite, the marines,” the Ukrainian military says in the video.

Ліквідовані російські морські піхотинці у селі Кринки на Херсонщині. 2024 рік. Україна. Кадри з відео української 36-ї окремої бригади морської піхоти

After examining the documents, it was established that the Russians had signed contracts with the Russian marines only a few months ago.

It is reported that the 810th Guards Naval Infantry Brigade of the Russian Army is fighting on the Russian side in this area.

Документи ліквідованих російських морських піхотинців у селі Кринки на Херсонщині. 2024 рік. Україна. Кадри з відео української 36-ї окремої бригади морської піхоти

Russian troops continue their attempts to force the units of the Ukrainian Defense Forces out from the foothold on the left bank of the Kherson region.

Currently, the village of Krynky is a ruin of houses with basements where Ukrainian soldiers are hiding.

The Ukrainian Defense Forces are fighting in difficult conditions on the left bank of the Kherson region, but they manage to hold their positions and work to expand their foothold.

Кринки на неофіційній мапі бойових дій від deepstatemap

Drones are actively used in this sector. Ukrainian artillery is covering the foothold from the right bank of the Dnipro River.

Meanwhile, the Russian army is actively using aviation to support the military on the front line, mostly by launching munitions beyond the reach of the Ukrainian air defense system.

Previously, the Ukrainian Air Force hit Russian positions in the Kherson region with a French-made AASM 250 HAMMER guided bomb.

Kherson Region Marines Occupants elimination Ukraine War with Russia