Ukrainian naval drones were modified to launch Grad rockets

Ukrainian naval drones were modified to launch Grad rockets

Artillery Fleet MLRS Modernization Ukraine USV

Ukrainian engineers installed a Grad MRL 122mm rocket launcher on the Sea Baby naval drone.

Ukrainian special services showed photos of the new Sea Baby being tested to the Suspilne media outlet.

“The SSU Sea Baby marine drones, for which Ukrainians raised funds through the UNITED24 platform, are now equipped with Grad systems and are already actively destroying the Russian invaders,” the special services said.

Together with the Ukrainian Navy, the SSU worked from the sea on the positions of the Russians on the Kinburn Spit.

The multifunctional Sea Baby platform is constantly being improved.

“Today we can confirm that it is equipped with a multiple launch rocket system, and this technological solution is already producing powerful results. So the enemy is in for new surprises. We are working efficiently, as always,” the special services shared.

Український морський дрон Sea Baby з напрямними під застосування 122-мм снарядів. Україна. Фото: Видання "Суспільне"

The intelligence services also showed footage of Sea Baby tests earlier in the winter and of drone production.

The launcher is installed in the upper part of the marine drone. It is capable of launching six 122-mm rockets at once.

It is worth noting that, judging by the photos, the guides for launching 122-mm rockets do not have stabilization, which affects the accuracy when firing on waves.

Український морський дрон Sea Baby під час випробувань 122-мм реактивної установки. Україна. Фото: Видання "Суспільне"

With the help of such mobile naval rocket launchers, the Ukrainian Defense Forces are able to attack Russian targets off the coast.

At the end of 2023, it was reported that Sea Baby maritime drones were being fitted with missile launchers.

Морський дрон Sea Baby. Фото СБУ

The displacement of this drone varies from 1 to 5 tons, which should provide excellent performance in the coastal zone. In May, Ukraine started to use naval drones with anti-aircraft missiles in hostilities. USV received R-73 short-range anti aircraft missiles.

Artillery Fleet MLRS Modernization Ukraine USV