130 Ukrainian soldiers were freed from Russian captivity

130 Ukrainian soldiers were freed from Russian captivity

Exchange of prisoners Ukraine War with Russia

Ukraine returned 130 defenders during another prisoner of war exchange.

The Coordination Headquarters for the Treatment of Prisoners of War reported this.

This time, it was possible to free 92 servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, 20 soldiers of the Territorial Defense Forces, 11 soldiers of the National Guard of Ukraine, 3 border guards, 2 soldiers of the Navy, and the State Transport Special Service.

All released hold the positions of privates and sergeants. Most of them participated in combat operations in the Bakhmut and Soledar areas, as well as in Zaporizhzhia, Kherson, and Luhansk regions.

48 out of 130 released soldiers were considered missing in action.

Some of the soldiers are also wounded; among them are those who have lost limbs.

The Coordination Headquarters for the Treatment of Prisoners of War reported that two brothers who fought in the Bakhmut area were freed from captivity.

The oldest of the released defenders is 58 years old, and the youngest is 21 years old.

48 зі 130 звільнених військових вважалися зниклими безвісти. Обмін полоненими 16 квітня 2023 Фото: Координаційний штаб з питань поводження з військовополоненими

“Over the past week, the team of the Coordination Headquarters for the Treatment of Prisoners of War managed to free 230 of our soldiers from the enemy captivity. They will all be able to celebrate Easter. Together with the whole country, we welcome the rescued defenders to their native land and do not stop our efforts to free all captured Ukrainians,” the Coordination Headquarters emphasized.

As previously reported, on April 10, 100 soldiers returned from captivity, including the defenders of Mariupol, Bakhmut, and Hostomel, as well as defenders of Chongar, Zmiyinyi Island, Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant, and Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant.

Exchange of prisoners Ukraine War with Russia