Latest Russian T-90M Proryv Tank Captured by Ukrainian Forces

Latest Russian T-90M Proryv Tank Captured by Ukrainian Forces

Armored vehicles Russia Ukraine War with Russia

The soldiers of the Ukrainian 225th Assault Battalion captured the state-of-the-art Russian T-90M Proryv main battle tank.

The press service of the battalion reported on this.

The Proryv tank was hit in the engine and transmission compartment, so the tank could not move on its own.

Over the past 8 months, other brigades have reportedly made 12 attempts to pull the tank to the rear. During these attempts, they managed to move the vehicle but failed in its full evacuation.

Another tank was used to evacuate the T-90M Proryv, but it got stuck in the mud and could not continue moving.

The soldiers of the 225th Battalion waited until nightfall and successfully evacuated both tanks.

The inspection showed that in addition to damage to the engine and transmission compartment, the tank also received external damage to the hull and optical elements.

The trophy tank was handed over to the 10th Department of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine for research.

The Russians are massively losing the latest T-90M Proryv tanks in battles with the Ukrainian Defense Forces.

Data from the ORYX OSINT service shows that since the beginning of the large-scale invasion, about 48 combat vehicles have been destroyed, along with 92 damaged, abandoned, and captured tanks.

In March, Militarnyi reported that a Ukrainian drone destroyed a Russian T-90M Proryv tank in the Donetsk region with the help of a grenade.

The abandoned T-90M of the invaders was discovered on one of the sections of the eastern front.

A Mavic drone was used to drop a hand grenade into the open turret hatch. After the explosion, a massive fire broke out inside the enemy tank’s combat compartment.

Armored vehicles Russia Ukraine War with Russia