New Corvette “Provorny” Launched  in Russia

New Corvette “Provorny” Launched in Russia

Fleet Neighbors Russia World

In Russian St. Petersburg, a launch ceremony was held for the new multipurpose corvette Provorny.

The ship, built at the Northern Shipyards, became the second in the Gremyashchiy class.

The Gremyashchiy lead vessel of the class was included in the Russian fleet in December 2020.

The new corvette will soon be commissioned by the Navy of the Russian Federation to strengthen the grouping of the Pacific Fleet.

The ship was laid down at the enterprise in July 2013. It was planned to transfer it to the fleet by the end of 2022.

However, in December 2021, a fire broke out on the corvette. It took more than four hours to contain the blaze, which spread over an area of 400 square meters.

The upper deck, the wheelhouse of the main command post and the integrated mast were damaged.

In September 2023, the general director of the shipbuilding enterprise said that the restoration of the hull was completed.

Multipurpose corvettes of this project are designed to detect and destroy submarines and surface ships in the littoral zone, provide landing, protect the coastal zone, and escort other ships.

Project 20385

The Project 20385 corvette was developed based on the ships of Project 20380. It differs from them with its elongated hull and 3S14 vertical launching system.

The displacement of the corvette of the project is 20385-2500 tons, with a length – 104 meters and a width – 13 meters. Speed – up to 27 knots, range – 3500 nautical miles.

Корвет «Гремящий» проєкту 20385 ВМФ РФ. Фото: ЗМІ РФ

The crew consists of 99 sailors and officers. The armament includes a vertical launching system with the possibility of using the entire family of Kalibr and Onix missiles. In addition, the ship has a Redut air defense system, an A-190-01 100mm gun, two AK-630M 30mm anti-aircraft artillery systems, as well as the Packet anti-submarine system. The corvette’s air group includes the Ka-27PL anti-submarine helicopter.

Fleet Neighbors Russia World