Ukrainian guided missile operators hit Russian submarine in Crimea – General Staff

Ukrainian guided missile operators hit Russian submarine in Crimea – General Staff

Black Sea Crimea Fleet General Staff Occupants elimination Submarines War with Russia

The Ukrainian Defense Forces have destroyed a Russian submarine and an S-400 air defense system in temporarily occupied Crimea.

The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reported on this.

It is reported that on Friday, August 2, units of the missile forces, in cooperation with units of the Ukrainian Navy, significantly damaged 4 launchers of the S-400 “Triumph” air defense system.

In addition, according to the Ukrainian military, a Rostov-na-Donu submarine of the Russian Black Sea Fleet was successfully hit in the port of temporarily occupied Sevastopol.

As a result of the hit, the enemy boat sank on the spot, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reported.

Ukrainian analysts from the Dnipro OSINT with Pumpkin group have published satellite images capturing a missile hit to the site where the Russian submarine Rostov-on-Don has been undergoing repairs since June this year after being hit by Storm Shadow cruise missiles in September 2023.

The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine said that the B-237 Rostov-na-Donu submarine is one of four Russian Kilo-class submarines in the Black Sea capable of using Kalibr cruise missiles.

Rostov-na-Donu was commissioned on December 26, 2014. On September 13, 2023, a Ukrainian missile strike severely damaged the ship.

“The destruction of the Rostov-on-Don once again proves that there is no safe place for the Russian fleet in the Ukrainian territorial waters of the Black Sea,” the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine emphasized.

This summer, on June 1, under the cover of night, tugboats moved the submarine from the dry dock of the Sevastopol Naval Shipyard to the 13th Ship Repair Plant of the Black Sea Fleet.

Російський підводний човен Б-237 "Ростов-на-Дону" на 13-му судноремонтному заводі в Криму, червень 2024. Фото: telegram-канал "Крымский ветер"

The Rostov-na-Donu submarine was hidden in Kilen Bay between two floating workshops that were tightly covered with camouflage nets.

This submarine was previously hit on the night of September 13 last year during a strike by the Ukrainian Air Force with Storm Shadow cruise missiles. At the time of the attack, the submarine was undergoing repairs in the dry dock of the Sevastopol Naval Shipyard. The published photos of the damage captured two large holes on the starboard side of the submarine with a diameter of several meters and another much larger one in the bow.

Black Sea Crimea Fleet General Staff Occupants elimination Submarines War with Russia